Gary Rush Facilitation | Strategic Planning | Gary Rush, IAF CPF | M



FoCuSeD facilitation Logo"Make Strategic Planning Agile - involving all stakeholders to develop consensus and support for a plan that becomes an ongoing process - not an event."



We facilitate strategic planning. Strategic planning is a critical component to a successful organization - you need to know where you are going. Through our Agile concepts, we engage the stakeholders and promote outcome socializing to engage others in the organization ensuring greater acceptance and support.

As a Certified™ Professional Facilitator | Master (CPF | M), Gary has facilitated numerous strategic planning efforts for large and small corporations. Let us work with your organization to design and facilitate an effective "Agile Strategic Plan" - one that engages and becomes a true guide for the organization. see Workshop Process

"We offer fixed fee proposals depending on the scope and duration of the project." Contact us...

The Agile Manifesto may have been written initially for software, but its application to Strategic Planning works and it changes Strategic Planning from an event into a process. So, why not apply Agile concepts to Strategic Planning? I believe that planning should be a process not an event. read Applying Agile Concepts to Strategic Planning



We teach your people "how to" facilitate a clear and effective Strategic Plan. Our FoCuSeD™ Agile Strategic Planning class covers how Strategic Planning fits within the organization or business and what it does overall – who, what, why, where, and how. It describes "how to" define the appropriate processes that an organization or business requires and "how to" tie their processes back to its Strategic Plan – Process Modeling.